王子傲回答:楼上几位说的没错,但是都是它的直意! 双刃剑 Double-edged sword 此外,在英文中有个最地道的说法是 a mixed blessing a mixed blessing 有利有弊的事物/双刃剑赵婕回答:双刃剑 Double-edged sword It's a double-edged sword. 它(这种技术)实际上是一把双刃剑。 At the very start, athletic sport is a double blade sword. 竞技体育从一开始,就是一把双刃剑 A metaphor used to refer to something that has both advantages and disadvantages, and positive and negative effects. 报复本身就是一把双刃剑, 你放过他吧。张瑞恪回答:a sword with two blades a double-bladed sword干丽晓回答:双刃剑 Double-edge sword The term double-edged sword can be used as an expression for anything that can simultaneously help and hinder .....................................季立江回答:a sword with two bad